What signs will prove that the broker is not a scam DALEFOX LIMITED recommends

DALEFOX LIMITED scam can be recognized and neutralized. DALEFOXLIMITED.com scam? 13 / 11 / 21 William Hunter Visitors: 750 Rating: ★★★★★

 DALEFOX LIMITED forex broker


DALEFOX LIMITED scam is impossible if the brokerage company's website has such data.

To avoid becoming a victim of fraud, pay attention to how experienced brokers advise you to recognize a divorce. There are many pitfalls in online financial transactions for naive users. And when it comes to investment - and even more so. It's best to avoid this by making sure you trust a professional right away. There are simple signs that can help distinguish a legitimate company from a fraudulent company. According to experts from the London broker DALEFOX LIMITED scam can be determined in 5-10 minutes of careful study of the company's website.

DALEFOX LIMITED.com scam check tips: fraud is easy to recognize by three simple signs

Why is it worth paying attention to the company's website? After all, online earnings are an area where most of the contacts and operations are carried out in virtuality. That is, the customer and the employer do not see each other, and often do not even sign documents in person, using electronic counterparts. If an investor worked with a broker personally, he would pay a lot of attention to getting to know, even just looking at his business partner. A person's face is able to "tell" a lot about him. In the online world, instead of a “face”, we are dealing with a website. It is worth putting forward the same requirements for him as you would put forward at a personal meeting to a potential business partner.

What should you ask a broker before investing in their trading platform?

There are three simple questions to which there should also be three simple answers. If they are, your broker is not under suspicion.

Question number 1. Where is the real company (not a website, but an office) located?

One of the most important factors. If it turns out that the company is located in the Pacific Ocean or Cuba, or somewhere in Venezuela, experts advise not to cooperate with such a broker. Does this mean that he is necessarily a fraud? No. It may be a legally working broker with an office in an offshore zone where European financial laws are meaningless and do not work. That's what's most important! There is no way to protect yourself from fraud, from sudden bankruptcy, from the simple “disappearance” of such a broker from radars. It's another matter if the company is registered in a European country, and there is also an office there. For example, in London, the business center is the head office of DALEFOX LIMITED scam would not bother going through the strictest UK registration requirements. Renting an office in the business heart of London is not a cheap pleasure; it is a matter of prestige, long-term presence in the market, reputation capital among thousands of investors.

Question number 2. How can I contact a broker?

Consulting should not be a one-way communication - when a manager calls you and you cannot. It would seem that it is not clear here? But many dubious companies are in no hurry to leave telephone numbers for communication, they use call aggregators (this is when they can call you, and the callback switches to an answering machine or a phone with many lines). And it happens that there is no telephone connection at all, and there is only online correspondence. This option is definitely not about security for funds and about the broker's responsibility. Firstly, his trading platform may freeze or the client may have another trouble, therefore, technical support must necessarily be in the telephone mode, and not only in writing. Secondly, not responding to a letter is very easy, just like deleting a mailbox. Fraudsters use similar techniques.

DALEFOX LIMITED has a telephone callback form (you will be called back if you fill it out within an hour), and it also has contact numbers, in addition to mailboxes:

Question number 3. What are the broker's trading rates and what assets can you trade?

There should be no blurring in this question. The broker is obliged to provide a trading platform. It is either one of the commonly used platforms like MT5, or the company's own web terminal. There should be a version of the complete program, often an app version for phones is added to it.

As for assets, it all depends on the "specialization" of the broker - only currencies (Forex) or you can also trade raw materials, invest in goods and gold, in company shares, etc. All these conditions must be described on the website in the tariffs section.

For example, like this on the DALEFOX LIMITED website:

You can install the web terminal in the "Platform" section:


You will not become a victim of fraud if you start your first acquaintance with a broker by finding out its location, technical capabilities and features. The more willingly and more fully the managers answer your questions, the more transparently and honestly the company works


Comments (9)
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