CAPartners reviews - SCAM!

CAPartners - exposition. How to return an investment? 08 / 05 / 22 William Hunter Visitors: 583 Rating: ★★★★★

From time to time, there are organizations that offer Forex brokerage services. So that you know who you can trust, our employees have prepared an overview of CAPartners operating in the UK.
Our employees searched the website for information from publicly available data sources. website - overview is a template website with minimal data. We immediately have the opportunity to get acquainted with the scale of tariffs, registration and "trading on the Forex market".
Contact details - phone number and address provided.
Lack of information about work experience, valid licenses and certified documents, user programs.
In addition, for the review, we looked at the details of the domain. It turned out that the domain name had been registered for less than 30 days.
You can find out more by registering.
For this reason, we can confidently say that there is very little data on the official website of, which therefore raises concerns.


Review of - the official address of the company

After researching the legal address provided on the website, we found many references to fraudulent activities, including those related to Forex financial fraud.
Our experts did not find any facts indicating that a real company is registered at the legal address on
Additionally, it is suspicious that the official CAPartners address is not in the UK where the brand offers its services, but in a different country.

CAPartners Review - Phone Number

After analyzing the phone number, our employees identified evidence of its use in illegal activities. Earlier, the phone number was also used by fraudsters who pretended to be online brokers in the Forex financial market.

CAPartners Review - Online mentions

An extremely important part of the review is the analysis of web reviews. On, our experts found a small number of similar paid reviews with fake faces and non-existent identities.
In search engines, the problem showed us a large number of negative reviews and CAPartner reviews.
Basically, customers write about the inability to return money, incomprehensible software work, rude behavior of employees.
Therefore, judging by the mentions on the Internet, CAPartners are scammers.


Bonuses for registration with

Most often, start-ups selling services in the Forex market offer gifts to registered traders for registering an account. As a rule, these are some positive details, namely consultations with analysts. On the other hand, on the website and in promotional materials, our experts found information about bonuses in the amount of the deposit. You should be aware that these are funds that an online broker makes available to users to trade in Forex, not fancy coins that do not go beyond the service.
This is extremely suspicious due to the fact that with such bonuses, the period of earning money on people is extended, which is associated with serious expenses.
In fact, it can be said that the reason is the incredible generosity of CAPartners, but in practice everything is much simpler. Investments don't go beyond the service as all CAPartners work is a scam.

Account types for

On the official website of you can find many types of accounts that differ not only in the characteristics of the work, but also in the size of the initial deposits. It is a common technique to get users to make big deposits, register a premium account.
Clients can be promised personal advice from analysts, guaranteed profitable transactions, access to exclusive information. However, all this is manipulation, necessary only for knocking out deposits.
It should be understood that no matter how much money you invest, it will end up with the scammers as CAPartners are scammers.


Leverage is a widely used Forex trading tool that allows you to trade for more than your client has. Missing deposits are handled by an online broker. Brands that allow their people to trade with significant leverage take a serious risk, so they only make this option available to experienced traders. But CAPartners are criminals, so they use leverage to pull their users into debt and obtain false loan payments.

Deposit return time

Traders trade Forex to make money. Of course, this is impossible without the possibility of withdrawing money. The question then arises: "Do CAPartners have a deposit deadline"? On the official website, our employees found information that the payment of money is instant and without deductions. In practice, even reputable, legal internet brokers do not always provide such conditions. What's the basis?
The point is that CAPartners are scammers and do not plan on providing traders with an option to withdraw their investments. Therefore, they are ready to promise attractive conditions. But all their oaths are empty.

Reviews appeared before CAPartners appeared

As we said above, the CAPartners site is less than 30 days old. And yet on well-known portals you can find references from three months ago.
Most likely, employees ordered fake reviews on well-known websites before starting dishonest actions, so that people would get the impression that the company has been operating for many months.

A few opinions about

Where did you see the free cheese. They are definitely scammers, CAPartners guarantee good earnings and ideal conditions, and as a result, they will cheat you and run away with their savings.

Have you checked the documents? As soon as you start researching their grades, it becomes obvious that CAPartners are bandits. Don't try to contact them.

I looked where to really see the honesty of their working in the Forex market. imposed a partnership on me on interesting terms and I was very scared until I saw the comments, I definitely don't want to contact criminals.

CAPartners Review - Trial version

The website does not offer trial access to software that will allow you to evaluate the quality of the services provided.
CAPartners managers want the customer to immediately provide them with personal information and make at least the smallest payment.

CAPartners review - investment withdrawal

Theoretically, the payment of the user's money is made using a form on the website. There is a concern that a person may use it without a personal account. Therefore, the appeal will be checked manually, which is impossible with a large number of traders.
We concluded that this form was only designed to show future victims the funding opportunities, but in fact it is not.


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