Full review of the broker FBS: divorce for money!

Who is it FBS broker, fbs.eu scam! 15 / 10 / 21 William Hunter Visitors: 1033 Rating:

FBS is an unregistered offshore internet broker considered to be very dangerous. In this analysis, we will show all the facets of his activities and also tell our readers why this alleged stock exchange has a negative reputation and is not worth your attention.

The fraudulent broker claims to offer software that is used for various operations in Forex, but our employees were unable to access the software even in demo mode, which is already very alarming. In this review, we plan to check these and all the other significant facts about the FBS - Forex broker, and we confidently recommend that you bypass it so as not to make yourself into trouble.

An illegal office? We will investigate

We start by studying the papers open for reading from the official website of the Internet broker, and after that we will post this data in a form accessible to the reader.

FBS is a subsidiary of an organization allegedly based in the Marshall Islands. More specifically, the pseudo-exchanges have placed this legal entity. Address: Trust Company Complex Ajeltake Road Ajeltake Island, Majuro Marshall Islands MH 96960.

And although we cannot vouch whether this is true or a deception, since the named offshore zone is so problematic that there is virtually no way to identify this business. But we tried to find an online broker in the total volume of data from firms noted in offshore territories.

Of course the FBS swindler was not telling the truth. No firm with the appropriate name was found. As a result, our employees did not learn data about the organization, and specifically: the director. This can be considered clear evidence of the illegality of FBS as an actor in Forex. Already at this stage of the analysis, we will allow ourselves to directly inform you that FBS is another swindler that does not have an elementary registration for work.

But even the presence of registration is not enough. Since the Marshall Islands today do not have macro-financial powers, this also affects the ability to regulate the Forex market.

Offshore zones actually become a magnet for deceivers due to the lack of restrictions. So if our employees found a pseudo broker in data warehouses, then there is still no certainty, as well as the need to operate in accordance with generally accepted or local laws. Since there are no formulated laws.

How long has Forex Broker FBS been operating? We didn't expect this!

The website of the pseudo-broker informs that the company provides excellent services to exchange traders from all over the world, and the representatives are brokers with extensive experience in the financial market, at least 10 years.

The stockbroker also says that he has a solid number of thematic awards, has regional offices in Australia and New Zealand, as well as in England. More than six tens of thousands of stock exchange traders from all over the world work in the offices. All this could be wonderful, but unfortunately, our specialists did not find any reason to believe in it.

However, it is not difficult to verify the reality. We look at the official site of FBS, namely the domain name, and it turns out about registration, less than a month ago. If you didn't expect such a result?

The contact phone number of the alleged broker. What's wrong?

Our specialists were in for surprises here as well. After breaking through the number, our staff found a lot of angry reviews saying the same thing. This phone number is exploited by financial scammers calling 24 hours and imposing their dubious schemes.

However, this is not all information! The same number was found on the official website of a similar pseudo-broker named Comax Invest. We did not expect such a careless step from scammers.

Online Broker Ignores International Financial Requirements

An additional point is the presence of offices in the UK and Australia. This means that the company must formalize and certify permits from the relevant organizations: FCA (England) and ASIC (Australia). These official securities make it possible to operate in the Forex market.
So it is necessary to break through the presence of a broker in the available list on the website of Companies House, the leadership of Britain.

Of course, the studied online broker could not be found in the list. Accordingly, we confidently say that FBS is a scam, since it ignores international macro-financial laws. The scammer cynically misleads people.

For the sake of financial security, study the information about the stockists before you work. Look for organizations with good feedback and a sensational brand.

We recommend these as regulated brokers are backed by special investment insurance funds that exist to protect traders' investments in case things go wrong.

The bottom line is quite clear: FBS is a fraudulent broker. This organization cannot even be called a broker. This is an ordinary fly-by-night for stealing money from respectable newbies. Such offices are trying to disappear with the loot, in order to eventually appear under a different name and resume illegal activity.

Absolutely all pseudo-official pieces of paper shown by the broker also entail a large number of questions. More precisely, their digitized forgeries do not need to be called documents. The information about the possibilities and obligations under the contract is very inaccurate. In addition, there is no information about the emergence of the company, as well as information about the directors. Because of this, pseudo brokers can shut down the user's light without having to be held accountable for deceiving activities.

Negative balance and online broker FBS: what does legal law say?

We often mention licensing and supervision as this is a very serious matter. This is a guarantee that accredited online brokers will abide by the regulations and do not dare to overstep the rules, for example, take money from their online customers. Moreover, licensed online brokers must provide accurate cybersecurity indicators, and in particular, EU and British regulators are forced to provide financial protection against a losing balance. Thus, online traders are not able to spend more money than the invested mother capital, and if their balance becomes negative, online brokers are obliged to return the balance to 0 without additional payments.

The conclusions of our study are predictable. FBS is a Forex company that allows you to use an account with a negative balance for trading, and squeezes a lot of investments from a trader in order to close a gap in the balance. As a result, we are obliged to communicate our conclusions. FBS is a scam, not a high-risk broker because it is not supervised. Therefore, it is clear that the user's investment will not be in a secure position when you make the investment.

The deceivers will easily squeeze your balance to a loss-making one, and will try to force you to liquidate the minus that has appeared from nowhere, using the techniques of mental influence and deception. In the event that you or your relatives are in their hands, in no case should you give up. Their suggestions act on emotions, but criminals are unable to inflict physical harm. The police will be on your side. Scammers cannot work within the boundaries of laws and lure out your investments.

Software for working with FBS: Forex systems Metatrader 4, 5

According to the promises of FBS, one gets the impression that the bribes are giving up-to-date MetaTrader4 and MetaTrader5 systems to make money on the stock exchange. Nevertheless, our specialists did not get access to work with the software. Due to KYC and AML.
FBS informs that it provides comfortable and up-to-date online platforms MetaTrader4 and MetaTrader5 for trading on the exchange, but our specialists were unable to obtain access to any of the options due to the fault of KYC and AML (systems for combating the legalization of capital).

How is the document verification procedure carried out?

To pass through KYC, it is required to disclose scans of the following official securities:

Before that, we figured out that the FBS scammer is a hidden pseudo broker. Because of this, they deliberately keep data secret from their customers and try to bypass the current regulations. Of course, we are not going to show scammers our scans of documents, even for account registration. The risk of illegal transfer of confidential information is too high. We strongly advise against giving digital copies of your documents for the test.

Is there a trial account? Can the functionality be tested?

Fortunately, it is possible to find out some information without connecting to the service. For some reason, FBS does not provide an opportunity for traders to try a demo account, or get test access to programs. This further reduces the credibility of the company. Although, it is already approaching 0.

Any registered brokers are legally forced to show demo versions of the platforms used in order for traders to be able to make transactions with unreal money and make a reasonable decision about the possibility of maintaining a personal account in fbs.eu, a serious account. FBS is once again reinforcing our concerns.

A couple of suggestions about Meta Trader

By themselves, the MetaTrader4 and MetaTrader5 software are actively used by numerous official Internet brokers that have official documents. They provide the best Forex platforms available.

Meta Trader are the favorites of the financial market, attracted by advanced features such as advisors, myriad indicators, excellent charting and charting tools. Also, the terminals have a trading platform with more than ten thousand services and developments of the best programmers, which is considered a convincing advantage. But in order to fumble in all this, one should study carefully.

FBS leverage: scammers extort more funds

Since it is already clear to us that you should not trust a particular online broker, we do not want to discuss the size of the leverage in the present tense. But nevertheless, we want to mention another nuance. FBS broker says that the user has the right to trade on debt with a leverage of 1 in 400.

This is an extremely unsafe ratio, as it is already God knows when it is not allowed in the whole world. It is because of the above-described prohibitions that legal brokers from the European Union and Australia are required to reduce the leverage to one in thirty, while for large companies, from America and Canada, stock traders - to 1 in 50.

Switzerland is an exception. Swiss organizations are trusted, even if their leverage is not limited by law. That is why experienced and risky trading online traders have the opportunity to register an account in Switzerland and take risks in trading without fear.

You need to memorize the existing leverage limits because you can spot charlatan organizations as soon as you spot them. As a broker that does legal business in the UK simply cannot recommend that you trade at 1 to 400 leverage or similar. It immediately becomes clear that they are definitely going to deceive you, force you to borrow a large amount, and after a while to steal everything.

Is it possible to weld with FBS? Scam, don't get caught!

Do you think you can get rich working with crooks?

Of course no!

But all the same, the scammers paint their victims stunning prospects that look overly tempting to be true, ways to skyrocket profits and other benefits. By creating a false sense of hope, criminals want to lure people into their deceptive networks and take away their savings.

Criminal activity starts with aggressive advertising. Scammers create a large number of blogs and personal pages on social networks to advertise fake services. Anyone can look at Facebook pages that show off pictures of the rich life, Seychelles, luxury cars, pictures of lucrative deals. All of this is designed to inflame user envy and inspire many traders to write to criminals.

After you leave your personal number, FBS scammers will start calling you regularly. Criminals promise you huge profits, for example, the location of Mars and the constellation of Aquarius are excellent starting work on the stock exchange so that you get into their arms as quickly as possible.

When you give in, the scammers will be able to take control of your profile, and suddenly you may find a huge amount of money in your name. Surely you will believe and think that this is actually happening, and you are likely to request a withdrawal of funds. Alas, scammers will not let this happen, but they will begin to carefully manipulate you so that you will invest again, guaranteeing many times more profitable trades.

A naive client may even dream that he will soon wake up as a billionaire and easily receive money. But this will not happen. The swindlers will continue to squeeze out more money injections until the deceived user discovers that they are being fooled or the crooks decide that they are not able to pull out a large amount right now.

The FBS swindlers can feel free to inform what else needs to be deposited in the account in order to receive funds. This announcement makes it clear that FBS is a scam. In the future, the cheated user will no longer be disturbed with messages.

Will it work out all the same? Never!

FBS registered? Is their organization shady? Before trading, it is important to find out this information about an internet broker. Most of the shadow brokers are operated by an offshore center and also do not operate in the legal field. They will not resort to helping the trader in case of trouble.
Do not forget that if an Internet broker appropriates your finances, you will not be able to send a complaint until the office receives a registration document from a serious controlling organization, for example:

A shadow Internet broker, of course, should not engage in activities in a developed country, therefore, it is not advisable for you to invest in it. Reasonable people should bypass all unofficial and offshore offices. And that's exactly what FBS looks like.

How do I deposit and cash out from FBS accounts?

The minimum possible size of the deposit is one hundred dollars, which more or less coincides with generally accepted norms. However, as we pointed out earlier, FBS is highly unreliable and therefore shouldn't send a penny to these ransomware until they provide at least a slightly respected license.

Talking about the options for replenishing the account, the broker informs that it provides various methods. Unfortunately, we could not double-check this information, because we could not get acquainted with their service for investing due to the already mentioned AML and KYC conditions. Nevertheless, even now it is quite clear that the trading platform, which is controlled by the scammers, is absolutely under their supervision. Because of this, you will be able to withdraw currency only when the FBS scammers give you the opportunity to do this. This happens in isolated situations, often when the scammer has one hundred percent conviction of your loyalty. This means they will be able to get more funds from you after a while.

Regarding deposits, it is worth explaining that successful swindlers, as well as skillful experts in the human psyche, try to do everything in such a way that the user transfers finances to his office as often as possible. Or rather, into the hands of scammers.

The user agreements are too vague. We could find most of the information we needed in the FAQ section.
Once in the heading, our employees read the information that shadow brokers withdraw funds for passivity after 90 days, but the deceivers do not indicate any specific numbers.

This situation is already a warning signal as the FBS broker can impose illegal fines at will and you cannot resist as this unregulated pseudo broker is not controlled by anyone. The victim will simply have nowhere to turn for help in resolving the problem.

FBS: reviews of the online broker of former users

If you want to protect yourself from illegal actions at the suggestion of criminals, we advise you to first look at what different clients write about the company in which you intend to invest.

After carrying out a small analysis of social networks and industry portals, our employees found out that there is very little data about this organization. Of course, you can study good comments with all the signs of misleading, and a few more clients dissatisfied with their personal experience with an online broker who left unequivocal reviews about it. FBS is by all indications an unreliable pseudo broker. In the event that you decide to invest right now, we strongly recommend that you do not do this, no matter how pleasant scammers may be hanging on your ears.

If you want to avoid becoming a victim of an illegal online broker acting under the guise of a decent company, study the data before investing, consult with professionals, and only then invest. Still, there are quite a few financial fraudsters, primarily those who associate themselves with the Forex market. FBS is an ordinary Internet broker, of which there are quite a few all over the world.

Even the name of the broker FBS is a scam for noobs!

It should be noted that this method is often used by fraudulent brokers, since their potential clients, as a rule, do not understand at all in stock exchange traders and can very easily take one company for another. Especially if you are being tricked by the brainwashing and manipulation professionals.

How does an FBS divorce happen? Be careful!

Criminals leave a sea of enticing posts on portals and social networks. The main task is to drag in as many users as possible, from whom it is easy to take money away.

As soon as you click on the magic button and give the crooks your personal email and phone number, they will immediately dial you and tell you everything you need to make you transfer funds to their account faster. Most of the false brokers are skillful scammers, but before you realize this, they will pull out your personal bank card number, as if to help you with the investment. You are under no circumstances obliged to divulge this information, if you do not plan to get into monstrous loans. In addition, it is possible to become a victim of private data theft, which creates even more problems.

Over time, scammers will demand more currency from you, regardless of your trading success. If you end the trades unsuccessfully, you will be advised to transfer more funds in order to close the losses. If you are working in a positive way, the businessmen will recommend that you transfer more finance in order to increase your profits.

Trouble will happen if you make a request to transfer finance. The burglars will try all the methods to force you to change your mind, they will also oblige you to pay even more. The meaning of the activities of criminals is simple - to take money up to a penny. They constantly try to get you to transfer funds to them without a break. Registered brokers won't bother you with advice to make a money transfer, so if a company is trying to get you to transfer money, it must be a trap.

Among other things, FBS is a shadow broker that mimics an official company in order to lure money out of naive traders. The criminals rely on the decent reputation of an official UK organization to extort money from unwary people.

Investment security is a serious problem when working with illegal brokerage companies. Fraudsters can easily lie, because they understand that they do not need to answer to the regulators, who have the right to call for account. In other words, no controlling organization is able to call them to order. After all, the personal information of the organizers of the illegal pseudo brokars is carefully hidden.

Drawing conclusions about FBS: a scam for noobs

To summarize, let's try to recall all the evidence that demonstrates that FBS is a scam:

  1. The broker is not registered even in a shadow country.
  2. At the time of compiling the review, the site of the unfavorable broker is not even thirty days old, so all information about the scammers is fiction.
  3. The fake broker does not own the legal basis for providing financial services.
  4. The fake broker does not have a regulatory body.
  5. Yur. the address was divorced - a deception.
  6. Company records have no legal basis.
  7. The location of units in the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia is a hoax.
  8. The phone number of the company was noticed for financial fraudsters and, moreover, with a similar psvedbroker.
  9. Bad reviews of FBS from abandoned traders.
  10. Do not give the option to create a test account.
  11. Lack of ways to test software without disclosing personal data.
  12. There is no protection against a negative balance on the account.
  13. llegal amount of leverage.
  14. Possible illegal receipt and further use of private information.
  15. The fake broker rips off the inactivity penalty after 90 days.
  16. Constant psychological abuse by the managers of the shadow firm.
  17. There is no way to get your currency back when the scammers decide that you hesitate to deposit more funds.

FBS is a scam. Our employees are 100% convinced. As a result, the score for this fake broker is 0!


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