411 unique games are given out on Xbox Game Pass

411 free games on Xbox Game Pass 02 / 01 / 19 William Hunter Visitors: 907 Rating: ★★★★

Caring Xbox fans have created Game Pass Counter. This is a tracker of games that are included in the service subscription. After launch, it received an update and now takes into account unique subscription games. In total, 938 games are distributed on all platforms - this includes all "duplicates", that is, Dead Space on consoles and Dead Space on PC. But there are as many as 411 unique projects on Xbox Game Pass! Recall that the service allows you to play on consoles Xbox, PC, as well as in the cloud. 

The site looks very simple, but understandable. The number of games for the platform is written in large numbers. When you click on the "plus", a list of games that are distributed for PC or consoles appears. It also keeps track of projects that will soon (or not) get into the subscription and fly out of it. 

The creators of the portal promise to keep it up to date.




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